Monday, June 30, 2008

i don't want to survive. i want to live.

I've been busy today! I went to see Wall-E (that's where I got the title of the post). It was the cutest love story and most innovative Pixar pic yet. I am consistently amazed by the creative geniuses behind the Pixar films. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I have to tell you that there is a spork featured in the film. ;)

I've been trying out some different churches in the area and tonight I finally found what I'd been looking for. Frontline is a gathering of young adults in the DC area. It felt like a mix between Intervarsity and Summit, which were both big parts of my life in college. It's strange to be the person being welcomed rather than the person welcoming, but I am sure God has great things for me to discover in this new Christian community.

I got a call from a non-profit today asking me to come in for an interview! I'm super excited about this one... it's a pediatric AIDS foundation and they're looking for a Human Affairs Assistant. Ahhh! So many things I love... children, public health, assisting people. I'll let you know how it goes.

Talk soon.

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