Friday, June 6, 2008

opening and closing doors

I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. When I send my resume to potential employers and don't hear back from them, all I can do is tell myself that it wasn't meant to be. I rely on external forces so that I don't have to be the one to make a decision. So when doors are opened and remain open and it's up me to make a decision, I kinda freak out. I went up to DC to look at apartments this week and after looking at two that were definitely not what I was looking for, I found one that I love! It's a cute row house on a quiet street near downtown. It's basically what I imagine when I think about apartment living. I found out today that I can live there... all I have to do is say yes. That three letter word means so many things. If I say yes, I'll move to DC sometime in the next couple weeks, which is definitely something I want to do. But then I think, well what if there is something better, what if I'm not on the right track, what if I really shouldn't move to DC? I could keep thinking about the what ifs or I could say yes. And move. To a city. Which is what I've wanted to do for basically all of college. But saying yes closes alot of doors. It closes doors to jobs outside of DC. It closes doors to other living situations. It closes (hopefully temporarily) the North Carolina chapter of my life. I'm going to follow the 24-hour rule and sleep on it.

Reasons to move:

1. Culture!!!

2. Georgetown is gorgeous! I think I will always
want to live near a college campus.

3. Who doesn't love IKEA!?!?

1 comment:

Teenage Revolution said...

its tough making decisions like this one but i think you should follow your heart and just take a chance. There will always be those "what if's" but what if they never come if you stay where you are instead of moving. Maybe its time for a new chapter in your life. good luck! can't wait to hear what you decide! =)