Thursday, July 31, 2008

working girl

This week has flown by! My brother came up from NC on Monday night. I was so happy to see him (and to give him a to do list)! He brought a dining room table from home so now the house is fully furnished. Hooray! He took the painter's tape off the ceiling and closed a window I couldn't reach. Thanks brother. On Tuesday, we went down to the National Mall to be tourists. Scott had never been to DC before so it was fun to show him around the city I now call home.

Yesterday was my first full day of work. It was a good day, but I left feeling exhausted. I think it was a combination of my current sleep deprivation (thanks to my new mattress...) and the overwhelming-ness that accompanies new situations. Today was much better! I got to meet with my team and talk about upcoming training! My current project is updating/re-formatting the training manual. Oh! And today there was a summer staff awards banquet. The theme was a rodeo and we had BBQ for lunch!!! Yay!

Tomorrow I'm leaving work a bit early to head back to NC. It's going to be nice to return to my homeland, but I'm not going to be there for long. I have a wedding on Saturday in Blowing Rock and then I'll be flying back to DC on Sunday. Just thinking about all the busy-ness makes me smile. August has always been an exciting month and I know that this year will be no exception.

Smiles and hugs always.

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