Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hot Summer In the City

This summer has been so much more cooler than last summer. The rain is ever present like last year, but the unbearable heat has yet to set in. This makes my walks with Sasha much more enjoyable. We usually walk down to the Capitol and the National Mall once a week. The rest of the time we just hang around the neighborhood- there's a few parks nearby that we frequent. Sasha is more than happy to meet new people, but she is still verrry hesitant around other dogs. I need to research some socialization strategies. Here's a recent pic of the cute pup.

The summer portion of work is coming to a close. I've prepared a calendar for the Fall semester and am planning various trainings set to occur the first week in August.

I've been feeling overwhelmed lately and am stressing about what's going to happen next. I'm still pondering the idea of grad school- counseling? social work? education? I just need to decide when & where. I'm really leaning towards returning to North Carolina, but who knows...

What I reallllly want to do is just take a year-long vacay and visit all my friends. I would get to go to New Orleans, Los Angeles, Chicago, France, Dominican Republic, and NC (of course!). Good thing the internet lets us "travel" without buying a plane ticket.

Mucho mucho love.

1 comment:

Anne DeCocco said...

Oh that Sasha just gets cuter and cuter! Hope you're not melting on the pavement--August in DC is probably just as hot as it is in NC! Big kiss, from Anne and Alex