Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I will miss it. I will miss it not.

I will miss my staff.
I will not miss the Metro conductor telling me "this train is being off-loaded, you must get off the train."
I will miss walking 1 block to 7-11 to get something I forgot at the grocery store.
I will not miss driving around for 30 minutes looking for a parking spot only to end up in the same illegal spot I was in before.
I will miss walking to Eastern Market on the weekend for a BBQ sandwich and sweet tea.
I will not miss the peeling and mismatched paint in my apartment building.
I will miss stumbling upon a festival on the National Mall.
I will not miss the extra loud sirens.
I will miss the UNC friends who have moved to DC.

to be continued...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Twilight Madness

Well friends, I am officially a Twilight fan. I'd been avoiding/fighting the frenzy for the past year, but finally gave in when a friend from home told me "it's just a love story, not alot of vampire stuff". I read the first book last week and finished the second book tonight. The books are emotionally intense and it's so easy to get wrapped up in the characters. They are definitely page turners. I also rented the movie this weekend... I can't decide if it's better to read a book first or go to the movie first. Watching the movie right after reading the book made me feel like the character relationships progressed much much too quickly (they already progress quickly in the book). I feel like if I'd seen the movie first, I would have been much more into it. But... if I'd seen the movie first, I would have known the ending. Either way, both were enjoyable.

Onto the life update... I'll be moving back to North Carolina on December 18th. My last day at American University is December 16th. I don't have a solid plan of what I'll be doing when I return to the great state, but I feel like I have a couple of options. My hope is that, in whatever I do, I will gain some clarity on what my next life step is.

My church is putting on a production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" the first weekend of December. I'm far from being an actress, but I volunteered to assist with the rehearsals and the weekend of production. I've spent the past few Sunday afternoons playing charades, reading lines, and corralling kids onstage. It's been something to look forward to each week. I already have a few favorite scenes in the play- some of the kids are naturals on stage! There's one scene where the director of the pageant in the play (there is a play within the play) is telling the Christmas story and says "...and Mary, great with child" and then one of the kids says "Pregnant! She was pregnant!" and then all the other kids start laughing. I can't wait to see all the kids in costumes with their props- they're going to be great!

Sasha is 1! They grow up so fast. :)

Sasha on the futon.

An October Saturday afternoon at Eastern Market with Mallory and Katie.

October 24th - Colby's wedding in Lenoir, NC.

Love from DC,
