Well, I've made it through my second August working at a university. Let me just say, it has been an eye-opening experience to be on the staff side of Opening these past two years rather than the student moving in. To anyone who has ever moved into the halls early, you should give the coordinator a hug- Early Arrival planning is quite a chore!
In the midst of the busy-ness, I have had a chance to meet up with some UNC friends that have moved to the area. My new favorite escape is National Harbor- some call it a fake city, but I think it's a great break to the hustle & bustle of city life. Here's a picture from earlier this week. On Sunday night, they showed Free Willy and on Thursday, they showed 3 episodes of Friends!
I've loved being able to reconnect with friends who I shared my Carolina experience with. I have really missed the feeling of community that I had at Carolina. I think college breeds deep relationships- and the people you spend your time with really do become your family.
The air is a bit cooler each morning and the humidity of summer will soon morph into crispness of fall. Bring on the warm sweaters and crunchy leaves!