I wore my winter coat for the first time today! I knew I bought that coat on sale at Gap in the middle of Spring for some reason. I'm so glad I have it now. I think I may even wear gloves tomorrow. I look ridiculous when I walk into work with my coat, scarf, gloves, and boots. I may not look stylish, but at least I'm warm!
This week I'm conducting interviews for new Desk Receptionists. Only half of the current receptionists are returning, so I'm looking to hire as many as 20 new ones. It's quite a chore to review applications, hold interviews, and then make decisions on who to hire. Not only that, but we're already preparing for summer conferences. Right now I'm just trying to make sure the residence hall desks are running smoothly and that we have enough students working to keep them open (AU desks stay open 24 hours a day- which is very different from Carolina).
I feel like my two greatest challenges at work are: a) having enough time to get everything done and b) finding my place in the social scene. I continue to learn that things eventually get done even though it's hard to see that when the list never ends. But as far as the social aspect- I feel completely lost. In college, I always had a group of people I could call to hang out with. People invited each other everywhere. While I'm sure there were cliques, I felt like there was something that tied us all together- creating a community unlike any other. To say the least, I don't feel that anymore. For a while I was getting hung up on the exclusiveness I've experienced, but I'm trying to re-orient myself, gain a new perspective, and focus on the good.
I'm going to end this post with some photos from this weekend. My visitors always make it to the blog! Maybe one day YOU will be a featured guest on "Do Not be Wise in Your Own Eyes". :)

Rachel and Laura Beth at Busboys & Poets, a very fun restaurant/lounge/coffeeshop.

Rach and I at the Capitol building on a cold and windy day.